Staff Musings

February 6, 2007

An Unquiet Mind: A Memior of Moods and Madness

Filed under: Social Sciences — hazeltine @ 12:23 am

By Kay Redfield Jamison

I loved this book. I found it difficult to read at times, but extremely rewarding

This is the memoir of a woman who suffers from Bi-polar Disorder. The book is at once about her and about the disorder as she experienced it. She paints incredibly vivid pictures of her experience, which create a strong impression of the illness. It also shares, in a sympathetic fashion, the triumphs and sadness that she has walked through in life.

The author’s focus in this book is clearly to relate the experience of the disorder and it’s effects upon her life. I felt that she accomplished that goal well. A number of times I found myself annoyed at how she dropped relationships that she had been discussing, leaving me with unresolved questions that she had raised.


  1. Wow an interesting book it sounds like. I have a beautiful mind which for some reason I haven’t read. I have seen the movie though. I also have The Quiet Room which I recieved from Don’s Books. Hmmmm there are a few other books that I have read dealing with serious mental illness but offhand I don’t remember what they are. Carrie as you know I am part of a clubhouse located on 1131 N. Armstrong that deals with severe mental illness. What you may or may not realized is I am a survivor of the strong with severe mental illness. One day I may write about my experience with the battles within my own mind I have had to deal with but I’m not one that likes to talk about himself at all. Suffice it to say for the time being that to deal with mental illness is like this “Imagine if you were blinded by a rage that you had no control of and a genesis in which you have no idea of its origins” now take that picture with you as you see yourself split off from the conflict. Not only that but it is as if you are watching yourself watching the conflict. That is the easist way I can describe disassociation not of identity per se but more of spirit or body. You don’t feel physically anything that is going on. Like say you get hit by a car *I have* well I got up from that car wreck on my moped and didnt feel a thing I went blind for 3 months with 20/8000 vision…spontaniously I got my eyesight back with one glitch..I have 100% tunnel vision. I think that had I been an active participant when I got hit I don’t think I would have survived unscathed. I find it to be true that when you don’t have time to clench up you don’t break anything. Anywho this is your experience with my ramblings. I hope you liked it. LOL

    Comment by Toby Bolinger — July 6, 2007 @ 6:41 am | Reply

  2. Wow Toby, I didn’t realize how many things you’d had to deal with. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a mental illness like you describe; and I also can’t imagine the enormous amount of strength it must take for you to work through it on a daily basis and continue to be the kind, intelligent, and fun person you are. You should definitely write about your experiences because you would without a doubt be an inspiration to other people.

    I started Four Blind Mice today, but I probably won’t get through it too fast since it’s my “downstairs” book, if that makes any sense, and Ragamuffin is still my “upstairs” book. I know I’m reading the Cross series out of order but it doesn’t seem to be detracting. I hope that you’re enjoying Quickie!

    Comment by Carricee — July 7, 2007 @ 12:35 pm | Reply

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